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Palm Sunday: Reflection by Fr. Rudy Garcia

Holy Week is a beautiful time in the liturgical calendar. It is so important that we pause for a moment this week to ponder Jesus’ sacrifice of love and see the beauty in his suffering. And also bask in the glory of His Resurrection.

Living in a harsh and unjust world, we often experience rejection and betrayal from those we love the most. It can be difficult to bear and as a result, we may feel unloved by everyone and utterly alone. The events of Holy Week remind us that we are never alone and that God loves us with an infinite love.

On Holy Thursday we recall God’s immense gift to us in the Eucharist. God in the Eucharist does not give us something. He gives us Someone. He gives us Himself in the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Here he gives Himself for us as food for the journey. We do not falter in our commitments as Christ is continuously nourishing us, sustaining us, strengthening us.

On Good Friday we read the Passion Narrative and then in the Liturgy, the priest raises the crucifix for all to see and each one is encouraged to come forward and venerate the instrument of our redemption, the Cross. In the Cross there is life! And so we come forward with reverence to adore the Cross by kissing, bowing, or touching it. We can truly say with St. Paul; ‘God loved me. And gave Himself for me!”

On Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday we join the Marys and go to the tomb only to find it empty! Jesus is not in the tomb. He is risen!

On behalf of all the clergy and ministry team here at St. Francis, I wish all you, our dear parishioners, a Blessed Easter! We are indeed blessed to have a parish full of life and joy- a parish that recognizes that Christ is truly Risen!

Fr. Rudy Garcia, Pastor



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