Tony Glatz joins our team as our new Youth Ministry Coordinator! Read more about him below.
Where are you from?
Grew up in Chicago North Suburbs.
What were you doing before you started working at St. Francis?
I was a product manager for a hand tool company. I got to talk to electricians about screwdrivers - it was so good. I felt like Santa Claus for Tradesmen by bringing new tools to jobsites and taking their feedback and making it come to life in our products.
What is your favorite dessert?
Just combine coffee, peanut butter, and chocolate together in some form of dessert and I am sold.
What are your hobbies?
Currently trying to get more familiar with art and graphic design.
If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
Elon Musk.
Who is your favorite saint?
That's like asking a parent who their favorite child is?! I don't want to pick favorites, but... St. John Vianney definitely is my favorite.
What is your favorite form of prayer?
Consecration to Mary. Do it and you won't ever look back.
Do you have a favorite quote or bible verse?
Matthew 7:7
What made you want to work for the Church?
Looking back, I've worked and volunteered for the Church a lot in the past and continued to feel drawn to the Church through my work. Looking forward, I saw myself working for the Church long term, whereas I couldn't say the same about any other work I've grown to know.
What excites you the most about being on staff?
Learning the way of Christ and allowing His Mission to pour through.
