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St. Francis of Assisi celebrates the official start of our I Am with You Always Capital Campaign. This weekend has been a year in the making, and we are excited to invite you all to be a part of this important initiative here at St. Francis. Want to learn more about our I AM With You ALWAYS Capital Campaign? Utilize the gold dots on the left hand side to navigate to where you want to go.

Or follow the steps below to make your donation.

Step 1.

Complete 'I Am With You Always' Capital Campaign Pledge

Step 2.

Make Initial Payment

Please consider an initial gift of 10-20%.

Step 3.

Setup Recurring Gifts for Remaining Pledge Balance

View this information in Booklet Form.


Join St. Francis of Assisi leaders on Thursday, February 20 at 6:30 PM as they provide an update on the I Am with You Always Capital Campaign, and address parishioners' questions and suggestions about the planned projects at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. This virtual town hall will begin with a brief presentation from Fr. Rudy Garcia and Deacon Alex Barbieri about the campaign and the projects that it will fund on the St. Francis campus, including a new rectory, Family Life Center and renovations to the Parish Center. After the presentation, attendees will be able to submit their questions and suggestions about the projects and the campaign to be answered directly by parish leaders.

Register for the Townhall by clicking below.

Campaign Prayer
Holding Hands


We come before you Jesus, grateful for the many blessings you provide for us as individuals and as a family of St. Francis of Assisi. As you instructed your disciples to go and preach the Gospel to all nations, we pray that we may continue to grow in our faith, and strengthened by the Sacraments to live out the mission that you gave us (Matthew 28:16-20).  

Heavenly Father, we are grateful for the continued growth in our community and as we fix our hearts and minds toward our future, we ask for your blessing and guidance in our vision for St. Francis for generations to come. May you always continue to give us wisdom, perseverance, clear direction in our discernment and never let us forget the words that you promised your disciples:

I am with you always, until the end of the age.”  

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The 11 disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted. Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold,

I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:16-20 

St. Francis of Assisi
Catholic Church 

Mission Statement


Dear St. Francis Family, 
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I come to you today feeling deeply blessed to serve as your pastor. Each Sunday, I look out upon rows and rows of the faithful family of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church. Every service is filled with not only the members of our vibrant and diverse community, but also with the joy and reverence of a church committed to the mission given to us by Christ. Your commitment, however, does not stop at the doors of our beautiful church. Our members leave every week to serve our church and community through vibrant ministries – providing meaningful education and formation of our children and youth, merciful outreach to those in need, and making missionary disciples of others. As you have gone forth on this holy mission, St. Francis has continued to grow in numbers, adding an average of 25 new families per week over the past year – over 1,000 in 2024 alone. Because of this growth, St. Francis is at a turning point and must make plans for the future.


In the following pages, you’ll find the details of our plans to not only accommodate our existing family, but also the continued growth over the years to come. That is why we are launching a major capital campaign that is derived directly from Matthew 28:16-20, our parish mission: I Am with You Always. I encourage you to read the following pages carefully, outlining our vision for the St. Francis community. It is my prayer that every member of the St. Francis family can invite the Lord to lead you in discerning your sacrificial gift or pledge to fund these projects to accommodate our expanding membership.

Leader's Leader

I extend my deepest gratitude for your continued prayers, support and generosity, and I pray for the Lord’s abundant blessing upon you, your loved ones and all of the St. Francis family. ​


Fr. Rudy Garcia



View the 'I am with You Always' Campaign Video

Campaign Video
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In the summer of 1966, twelve families stepped out in faith to establish a mission parish in the small farming town of Frisco. God has blessed and transformed our once-tiny parish from those humble beginnings into one of the largest in the Diocese of Dallas and the country. Today, St. Francis of Assisi is home to over 9,000 active parish families and nearly 24,000 active individuals. Throughout our history, parishioners have stepped forward to guarantee that our church could meet the needs of our growing Catholic community. With their leadership, sacrifice, commitment and generosity, we were able to construct our original parish center in 2001, followed by our beautiful church and chapel in 2013.  

Our Story

Today, we stand at another pivotal moment in our history. We have been blessed by growth, but also challenged by it. We simply don’t have enough space to accommodate our many ministries and activities, housing for our priests, and adequate room for our children, youth and young adults. We find ourselves in a similar situation to those original twelve families who formed our parish. Collectively, we must step forward in faith to ensure that St. Francis can provide adequate space and resources for prayer, formation, discipleship and outreach.  

To that end, parish leaders have been diligently working on a long-range plan to accommodate these needs through new facilities on our campus. During this period of discernment and planning, we have sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit and listened intently to feedback and ideas from across the parish, most notably through our planning study last fall where we solicited feedback from every family and received feedback from thousands of parishioners to help determine the most important aspects of the plan for our future.  In these pages, you will find the details of that plan, and an overview of what we hope will be the fruit of our labor and the blessing of the Holy Spirit. 

In Matthew 28:20, part of our parish mission statement, the Lord promises his disciples that “He will be with them always, even until the end of the age.” As disciples of Christ today, we know these words grant us the same assurance that He is ever-present in our lives. Through the I Am with You Always Capital Campaign, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church will be able to share this pledge with future generations of disciples, providing reverent worship, meaningful discipleship, engaging formation, strong education and outreach to those throughout the community who have yet to know the blessed assurance of God’s love. 


“St. Francis is our spiritual home where we have grown in our faith, deepened our love for Jesus and made many friends in this faith community. The parish is very welcoming, with a number of ministries that allow us to put our faith into action through service to the parish and community. The formation programs are outstanding, challenging each to become lifelong disciples of Christ. Most importantly, we appreciate the reverent celebration of Holy Mass and deep love of the Eucharist. We are excited and looking forward to building new meeting and sacred spaces.  The developments are crucial for St. Francis to remain a fountain of spiritual growth and nourishment for generations to come and allow us to continue to welcome those who seek Christ and want to grow in their faith.”

Loren and Christie Lacy

Campaign General Chairs

“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received – only what you have given.” – St. Francis of Assisi 


Under the leadership and direction of Bishop Edward J. Burns, the Diocese of Dallas is looking with great hope to the future. We recognize that Collin County is one of the top three fastest-growing counties in the United States. With this growth, the Diocese has the responsibility of ensuring access to quality education that represents our Catholic identity and values. The Catholic community in Collin County has long called for a Catholic school in our area, a school close to home where our children and future generations can grow and develop academically, spiritually, reflect the values of our faith and find a strong Catholic identity.  


In 2019, the Diocese answered that call with the purchase of 26 acres of land and a vision of a regional school to benefit the families of St. Francis of Assisi and our neighboring parishes in northern Collin County. Recent survey responses overwhelmingly called for moving forward quickly with executing this vision.  

The planned Mother Teresa Catholic School in Frisco at the corner of Independence and Main is a unique and exciting opportunity to open a new Catholic school and provide access to Catholic education for families in Collin County. St. Francis of Assisi, as the largest parish in the area, will lead the charge in support for the school through an initial fundraising effort as part of the I Am with You Always Capital Campaign, accompanied by a Diocesan capital campaign for all parishes in northern Collin County and the Diocese of Dallas. Together, we will create a strong foundation for future generations at St. Francis of Assisi and beyond in Collin County and throughout the Diocese of Dallas. 


Mother Teresa Catholic School

The I Am with You Always campaign will focus on four projects to provide needed space to accommodate growth, support our Catholic community and fulfill our mission: 


Our Plan



Outdoor Gathering Area

  • At least 20 total new meeting rooms to be used for faith formation (K-5, middle school, high school, Confirmation), Bible studies, young adults, OCIA (formally RCIA), ministry meetings, youth programs and more 

  • A new 800-seat auditorium to provide additional space to host Masses each Sunday and Holy Days such as Christmas, Easter, and Ash Wednesday, speaking events, youth programs and overflow 

  • A new formal banquet hall that will seat 500 dinner-style or 800 theater-style  

  • Communal gathering spaces to allow parishioners to gather before and after Mass and other activities and meeting spaces to grow relationships and fellowship 

  • A second-floor youth space for gathering, education, Bible study and meetings, including: 

  • 10 meeting rooms prioritized for youth and faith formation 

  • A dedicated youth area for gathering, music, fellowship and outreach 

  • A new adoration chapel to seat 126 for perpetual adoration worship, as well as six new dedicated confessionals.  


Adoration Chapel


  • Six living suites – each with a bedroom, bathroom and study – to accommodate our priests, visiting priests and seminarians 

  • Shared spaces including a private chapel for Mass, an updated kitchen, a formal dining area and comfortable living area 

  • Demolition of the existing rectory to make way for 96 new parking spaces close to the church 

  • A new building located on the western side of our campus 

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  • Reconfiguration of space to improve safety, security and navigation, as well as to make best use of available space 

  • Expansion and relocation of parish offices to the west wing of the Parish Center to provide workspace and storage for existing and planned staff 

  • Relocation of Kids Day Out to the east wing of the Parish Center to provide better space configuration, security and traffic flow, as well as provide improved nursery experience for Mass 

  • Renovations to the Great Hall to improve aesthetics, usability, and technology 

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Floor One

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Floor Two

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Site Plan

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Enrique and Elizabeth Arochi

Campaign General Chairs



  • A new Pre-K-8th Catholic school located at the northwest corner of Independence and Main in Frisco 

  • Will provide St. Francis families with an affordable, faith-based, Catholic school option in a location that is accessible to most parishioners 

  • Bishop Burns has asked St. Francis to lead the charge in fundraising, providing a positive example for other parishes in the area that will be asked to do the same in the near future 

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As St. Francis embarks on this important fundraising effort, your support matters now more than ever. Your generosity will help us determine how much of our plan we will be able to complete immediately and how many of these needed changes will have to be deferred until a later time. Our architect and general contractor have provided construction tiers that allow for flexibility in funding and work to meet the most urgent needs of the parish.  



To ensure that the foundation is laid to meet our most urgent needs, funding at this level will allow for: 

  • Partial completion of the Family Life Center with the auditorium and first-floor meeting rooms completed, but the banquet hall, second-floor meeting rooms, youth space and adoration chapel constructed, but not completed 

  • Completion of a new rectory to house all our priests, visiting priests and seminarians comfortably, and demolition of existing rectory to increase parking near the church 

  • Funding of our obligation to Mother Teresa Catholic School 

At this level, St. Francis of Assisi will be able to celebrate the completion of several much-needed projects, including:


  • Partial completion of the Family Life Center, with the auditorium, all meeting rooms and youth space completed, and the banquet hall and adoration chapel constructed, but not completed 

  • Completion of a new rectory to house all our priests, visiting priests and seminarians comfortably, and demolition of existing rectory to increase parking near the church 

  • Partial renovation of the Parish Center to improve meeting spaces and parish offices 

  • Funding of our obligation to Mother Teresa Catholic School 

Reaching this goal will allow St. Francis of Assisi to realize the full vision of the first phase of our long-range plan, including: 

  • Complete buildout and furnishings for the Family Life Center, encompassing the new banquet hall, auditorium, all meeting rooms, kitchen, dedicated youth area and adoration chapel 

  • Completion of a new rectory to house all of our priests, visiting priests and seminarians comfortably, and demolition of existing rectory to increase parking near the church 

  • Renovation of the Parish Center to improve meeting spaces, the parish offices and Kids Day Out 

  • Funding of our obligation to Mother Teresa Catholic School


Financial Goals



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These plans for our campus are ambitious and do not come at low costs. However, these are the facilities that our parish will require to meet the needs of our parish community. Parish leaders hope to raise the bulk of the funds required for construction through the I Am with You Always Capital Campaign. By raising these funds now, the parish can avoid increased debt and be able to direct more funding to ministries and parish programs. If St. Francis is not able to raise all the needed funds, parish leadership is exploring alternative financing options, including construction loans, construction bonds, and the potential long-term lease of excess parish land. 

Who We Serve
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There are many options to help meet your needs while supporting St. Francis in a meaningful way. Selecting the best gift plan depends on your personal financial situation and goals. You may want to consider stretching pledges over a three-year period to maximize the total amount of support. This commitment can be fulfilled through monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual installments. 


Pledges are commitments made in good faith. Because tax laws change and each situation is unique, donors are encouraged to consult with their financial advisor to determine which method of contributing is most beneficial. 

Ways to Give

We encourage all donors to consider a 10-20% initial payment to begin your commitment to ensure we will have the required cash on hand to begin construction in 2025. 

Cash or Check 

Gifts made by cash or check are the most common and will allow St. Francis to address its immediate needs. Checks should be made payable to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church and include I Am with You Always in the memo line. 

Online Giving 

By using the St. Francis online giving portal, you can securely access your account any time to view and make changes to your account information, preferred bank account or credit/debit card payment methods, and gift processing schedule. 

To set up your pledge online, click here.


Additional enrollment information or assistance is available at the parish finance office. 

Gifts of Securities  

Gifts of stocks, bonds or mutual funds are encouraged when supporters want to make a charitable gift and avoid capital gains tax. Please reach out to Kathleen Hastings in the finance office at for delivery details to share with your brokerage provider to complete your gift to the I Am with You Always Capital Campaign.  

Direct Qualified Charitable Distribution from a Retirement Account 

By using the St. Francis online giving portal, you can securely access your account any time to view and make changes to your account information, preferred bank account or credit/debit card payment methods, and gift processing schedule. 


To set up your pledge online, click here. Additional enrollment information or assistance is available at the parish finance office. 

Planned Gifts 

Planned gifts provide opportunities to make a meaningful commitment to the campaign now as part of your financial and estate planning. Such gifts can allow donors to accomplish charitable giving goals and take advantage of tax laws. Opportunities may include: 

  • Bequests from a will or a living trust 

  • Life insurance 

  • Real estate 

  • Designating St. Francis as a beneficiary (for example, brokerage transfer on death agreement, retirement account beneficiaries or life insurance beneficiaries) 

  • Various trust options (for example, a charitable lead trust)  


This information is not intended as legal advice. You are advised to consult your own qualified professional advisor for specific recommendations. 




"We are truly blessed and have grown in our faith through the ACTS community at St. Francis. Our experiences through ACTS have led us into many different ministries and provided us abundant opportunities to grow in our faith. What once seemed like an enormous church full of strangers, now feels like home!

This Capital Campaign gives us the opportunity to expand and provide the much needed space for our growing parish. The amazing new facilities give us the opportunity to continue living and growing in our faith as a parish family now and for generations to come!"

Jason and Emily Bednarz

Campaign General Chairs



Commemorative Opportunities

Your generous gift to the I AM with You Always Capital Campaign will tremendously impact the lives of the St. Francis family for generations and should be remembered for years to come. Consider these naming and recognition opportunities for your family or in honor of a loved one.

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We are excited to embark on this capital campaign to enhance our church campus to accommodate the tremendous growth at St. Francis. Much-needed expansions to worship areas, meeting rooms, event space, classrooms, offices, and housing are required to support our mission to proclaim the gospel to all of creation. It is our turn to ensure St. Francis has the infrastructure capable of serving the Catholic community in the Frisco area for decades to come."

Terry e Michelle Pelzel

Campaign General Chairs


I AM with you ALWAYS


Fr. Rudy Garcia 

General Chairs 

Enrique and Elizabeth Arochi 

Jason and Emily Bednarz 

Loren and Christie Lacy 

Terry and Michelle Pelzel 

Honorary Chairs 

Charlie Donnor 

Dennis and Joyce Houlihan 

Fr. Larry Pichard 

Thom and Jan Schleim 

Campaign Cabinet 

Vinny and Monica Bedus 

Matt and Amy Booterbaugh 

Biagio and Elisa Cucco 

Greg and Tanya Deiter 

Todd and Carmen Fahrenthold 

Tim and Dunree Filesi 

Adam and Gina Gallutia 

Soy and Liji Joseph 

Kevin and Amy Klimczyk 

Mike and Karen Martin 

Kenny and Yarlin Mazingo 

Pedro and Gabby Ortega 

Tommy and Mercy Rosales 

Tim and Kathy Terzis 

John and Angela Wegerzyn 

Parish Leadership Team 

Deacon Alex Barbieri 

Kristie Gates 

Lauren Hartsock 

Tim Truss 

Development Counsel 

Steier Group 




Click below to view frequently asked questions about the Campaign!

Frequently Asked Questions
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