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The Future of St. Francis - Master Plan

Anchor 1

About the Campaign

A Message from Fr. Rudy

St. Francis of Assisi has been blessed with an abundant and growing community. We are one of the largest parishes in the Diocese of Dallas with some 16,000 families – over 50,000 people – and we’re still growing! The sheer size of our parish presents numerous challenges, though, particularly to our facilities. Our sacred spaces – our church and chapel – can accommodate us as we worship, but our other facilities strain to hold us and our ministries. We need more space for meetings, faith formation, evangelization, youth, receptions, retreats and large gatherings.  


To address our growing space concerns, St. Francis is preparing to conduct a major capital campaign. The centerpiece of this effort is the construction of a new evangelization center and a new youth center, two buildings that would give us room to gather and to grow, to reach out and bring new people to Christ and to our parish. Other projects under consideration are renovating the existing parish center, moving our rectory off campus, expanding our outdoor spaces, and eliminating our current debt. 


St. Francis has retained the services of the Steier Group, a leading Catholic development consulting firm, to conduct a comprehensive planning study, which will gather everyone’s thoughts regarding our proposed plans. The study will also determine what level of support we might expect in a campaign, help us establish a realistic fundraising goal and identify campaign leaders and potential donors.  


On this page, you will find more information about our long-range plans and a link to take a brief online survey. Once you have read about our proposed plan for the future, please share your thoughts by completing the survey no later than January 15, 2024.  


I am hopeful that you will agree to share your time and thoughts with us. Your participation is crucial as we plan for the continued success of St. Francis. 


In Christ, 


Fr. Rudy Garcia 


Anchor 2

Master Plan

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Campaign Leadership

General Chairs

Enrique and Elizabeth Arochi

Jason and Emily Bednarz

Loren and Christie Lacy

Terry and Michelle Pelzel

Honorary Chairs

Charlie Donner

Dennis and Joyce Houlihan

Fr. Larry Pichard

Thom and Jan Schliem

Campaign Cabinet:

Vinny and Monica Bedus

Matt and Amy Booterbaugh

Biagio and Elisa Cucco

Greg and Tanya Deiter

Todd and Carmen Fahrenthold

Tim and Dunree Filesi

Adam and Gina Gallutia

Soy and Liji Joseph

Kevin and Amy Klimczyk

Mike and Karen Martin

Kenny and Yarlin Mazingo

Pedro and Gabby Ortega

Tommy and Mercy Rosales

John and Angela Wegerzyn

You can help make a difference for St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church and its future. Please consider lending your talent to this important cause!

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